We found a home! It is a brand-new 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment in an 8-plex. Very close to Jamie's work and also to the school I'll be working at most and the one Ava will be going to. Now we just need to fill it! We brought all our stuff over from the hotel and checked out of there Friday. We bought an air mattress so we have a bed and the girls are sleeping on our sleeping bags on the floor. Our furniture (and a lot of other stuff) is still in Minnesota, so the girls and I are going to head back and spend a little time there next week and then my dad and Jamie's brother are going to help us move everything out here. Right now, our living room is donned with lawn chairs!

The front of the building

The main bathroom

The master bathroom (aka Jamie's room!)

The girls' room

The kitchen & living room
(and Zoe!)

The best feature is the mountain range that we can see out our bedroom window! Now that we'll have an extra bedroom, which will be great for working on little projects, but will be even better for when we have company! If anyone is headed out to our neck of the woods, we have room for you!
the place looks great!!! LOL to the lawn chairs :)